Joanne Cipressi has been a life and mindset coach for 20 years helping hundreds of people to overcome their self-doubt, fear, and anxiety. She has guided people to open their hearts, develop self-love, self-confidence
Joanne Cipressi’s family abandoned her when she was 13 years old and never returned home since then. She was abused sexually by her stepfather as a young girl, then again by a police officer when she was 30 years old. She was physically abused as a teen and experienced much emotional abuse. All of the abuse and betrayal that she experienced was by the hand of people that she was suppose to trust. She developed very low self-confidence, was full of self-doubt and attempted to end her life several times. Fortunately, she learned the tools and found the ability and strength to transform her life. In Ditch Your Doubt, Joanne shares what she has personally learned and what she has seen work to transform her clients’ self-doubt into self-confidence and self-trust.
In addition to her personal transformation experiences, Joanne is also trained and certified in many healing modalities and therapies. Here is a brief list:
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology
- Age Regression Therapy
- Time-Line Therapy
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Advanced Hypnosis
Joanne uses all of her skills, training, personal experiences and her wisdom from two decades of helping others, along with her love and care for people and society to motivate and encourage others to become the best they can be. Joanne believes that we all have the ability to improve the quality of our lives.
When Joanne is not helping and coaching other people, she spends time with her two lovely daughters, runs her small businesses, travels, writes, and enjoys anything to do with fitness especially hiking, tennis, racquetball, lifting weights and dancing.